Santhica 27


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10 seeds$40.00

Strain Profile Notes:

Santhica 27 is a French industrial hemp variety on the Approved Varieties lists of EU & many US states. Monoecious (male + female flowers on same plant), is best at seed production + fiber, considered a Type IV chemotype (moderate CBG, extremely low THC). Historically grown throughout Europe for fiber and seed/grain (medium/average-sized seed). Main cannabinoid = moderate level of CBG (cannabigerol, 1.5% – 4% outdoors, can reach 10+% indoors). Reliably very-low-THC (typically under 0.1%, often closer to 0.069%).

Does better with humidity on higher side (example: northern Spain). Optimum flower harvest is achieved between the full-flowering and end-flowering phases. In organic research trials this variety provided better weed-suppression (amaranth/pigweed) than sorghum grass & has been shown to positively contribute to/perform well in a cover-crop/rotation-cropping system (e.g. including fiber hemp in rotation can improve yields of subsequent soybean/wheat plantings). And shows potential (more than other hemp varieties) as a bioremediation/mop-crop. 120-140 days to harvest. Can reach 2m / 8 feet.










Season length:

120-140 days to harvest

Grow-skill level:

Average / all skill levels

COA(s) available?

Bulk packs/volume discounts available?

Bulk packs / volume discount = available

Traditional/indigenous hemp strain (hemp has been produced in France since at least 270BC)
Interchanvre (a project of (Federacion Nacional des Producteurs de Chanvre) has been cultivating hemp in France since 1976 and breeding seed since 2000.
Supplier will replace any gear that doesn’t germinate or otherwise perform. Please provide a photo of issue you’re having so supplier can help diagnose/remedy.
$10 flat-fee shipping for entire order. (For most US orders. See our Shipping FAQ for more info.)


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